How to move mail hosting with ISPConfig3 (dovecot, postfix, apache2, …) from CentOS 5 to CentOS 6
28-11-2012 (Here, CentOS 5.8 with ip and CentOS 6.3 with CentOS-5.8 is installing ISPConfig- and we will update to ISPConfig- on CentOS-6.3 Step1: Backup mailbox and dbispconfig database on CentOS 5.8 Backup all mailbox of users, mail domain #tar czvf /backup/mailbox.tar.gz /var/mail Backup dbispconfig database #mysqldump -u root -p dbispconfig >/backup/dbispconfig.sql #Enter password: …. (password of root user) Step 2: Installing new CentOS 6.3 and configuring services Installing CentOS-6.3 Copy mailbox.tar.gz and dbispconfig.sql from to #scp /backup/mailbox.tar.gz root@ :/var/download #scp /backup/dbispconfig.sql root@ :/var/download Installing services(Apache2, dovecot, ..) the following and finish at step 23 (Install Squirrelmail), have not install step 24 (I...