Securing Apache, Part 11 - Logs
In this final part of the series, we will discover how to strengthen security in Apache by logging and other miscellaneous ways. Configuring a system to be secure is indeed a key task, but it is also important to know that the configuration is working properly — and the only way to do so is through log analysis. Sensible logging helps detect performance problems well before they become apparent to users, and provides evidence of potential security problems. Maintaining logs is also useful for traffic analysis. Apache can produce many types of logs, the two essential ones being the access log, where all requests are noted, and the error log, which is designed to log various informational and debug messages, plus every exceptional event that occurs. You, as Web master, have a limited amount of control over the logging of error conditions, but a great deal of control over the format and amount of information logged about request processing (access log). The server may log activity in...